
SPX Iron Condor Varying Wing Width

This page lists the SPX iron condor(IC) posts that analyzed IC performance with varying wing widths.  600,912 individual trades were entered from January 2007 through September 2016 to generate the results in this IC article series.

Wing Width Introduction Post:

SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Results Summary Blog Posts:

38 Days-To-Expiration (DTE) - SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Posts:

45 Days-To-Expiration (DTE) - SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Posts:

52 Days-To-Expiration (DTE) - SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Posts:

59 Days-To-Expiration (DTE) - SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Posts:

66 Days-To-Expiration (DTE) - SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Posts:

72 Days-To-Expiration (DTE) - SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Posts:

80 Days-To-Expiration (DTE) - SPX Iron Condor Wing Width Posts:

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